Course Content
Unit I-Management of Sporting Events
Management of Sporting Events ● Functions of Sports Events Management (Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing & Controlling) ● Various Committees & their Responsibilities (pre; during & post) ● Fixtures and its Procedures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase & Cyclic)
Unit II-Children & Women in Sports
● Common Postural Deformities - Knock Knee; Bow Legs; Flat Foot; Round Shoulders; Lordosis, Kyphosis, and Scoliosis and their corrective measures ● Special consideration (Menarche & Menstrual Dysfunction) ● Female Athletes Triad (Osteoporosis, Amenorrhea, Eating Disorders)
Unit III-Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease
 Obesity: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakrasana, Pavanmuktasana, Matsayasana, Halasana, Pachimottansana, Ardha – Matsyendrasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Suryabedhan pranayama.  Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Katichakrasana, Pavanmuktasana,Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Supta-vajarasana, Paschimottanasana, Ardha-Mastendrasana, Mandukasana, Gomukasana, Yogmudra, Ushtrasana, Kapalabhati.  Asthma: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Urdhwahastottansana, UttanMandukasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Kapalbhati, Gomukhasana Matsyaasana, Anuloma-Viloma.  Hypertension: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakransan, Uttanpadasana, Ardha Halasana, Sarala Matyasana, Gomukhasana, UttanMandukasana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Shavasana, Nadishodhanapranayam, Sitlipranayam.
Unit IV-Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children with Special Needs – Divyang)
● Organizations promoting Disability Sports (Special Olympics; Paralympics; Deaflympics) ● Advantages of Physical Activities for children with special needs. ● Strategies to make Physical Activities assessable for children with special needs.
Unit V-Sports & Nutrition
● Concept of balance diet and nutrition ● Macro and Micro Nutrients: Food sources & functions ● Nutritive & Non-Nutritive Components of Diet
Unit VI-Test & Measurement in Sports
● Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in school: o Age group 5-8 yrs/ class 1-3: BMI, Flamingo Balance Test, Plate Tapping Test o Age group 9-18yrs/ class 4-12: BMI, 50mt Speed test, 600mt Run/Walk, Sit & Reach flexibility test, Strength Test (Abdominal Partial Curl Up, Push-Ups for boys, Modified Push-Ups for girls). ● Computing Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) ● Rikli & Jones - Senior Citizen Fitness Test I. Chair Stand Test for lower body strength II. Arm Curl Test for upper body strength III. Chair Sit & Reach Test for lower body flexibility IV. Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility V. Eight Foot Up & Go Test for agility VI. Six Minute Walk Test for Aerobic Endurance
Unit VII-Physiology & Injuries in Sports
● Physiological factors determining components of physical fitness ● Effect of exercise on Muscular System ● Effect of exercise on Cardio-Respiratory System ● Sports injuries: Classification (Soft Tissue Injuries -Abrasion, Contusion, Laceration, Incision, Sprain & Strain; Bone & Joint Injuries - Dislocation, Fractures - Green Stick, Comminuted, Transverse Oblique & Impacted)
Unit VIII-Biomechanics & Sports
● Newton’s Law of Motion & its application in sports ● Equilibrium – Dynamic & Static and Centre of Gravity and its application in sports ● Friction & Sports ● Projectile in Sports
Unit IX-Psychology & Sports
● Personality; its definition & types (Jung Classification & Big Five Theory) ● Meaning, Concept & Types of Aggressions in Sports ● Psychological Attributes in Sports – Self Esteem, Mental Imagery, Self Talk, Goal Setting
Unit X-Training in Sports
● Concept of Talent Identification and Talent Development in Sports ● Introduction to Sports Training Cycle – Micro, Meso, Macro Cycle. ● Types & Method to Develop – Strength, Endurance and Speed ● Types & Method to Develop – Flexibility and Coordinative Ability
CBSE Physical Education Class 12
About Lesson

9.1  Personality : Concept and Definitions

Multiple Choice Questions

Personality is derived from a latin word ‘persona’ meaning (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Shape

(b) Mask

(c) Stage

(d) Philosophy

Which can be a suitable concept related to personality in sports ?      (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Stable but not unique characteristics

(b) Stable and unique characteristics

(c) Unstable characteristics

(d) Dynamic behaviour pattern

A person who is bold and outgoing is an      (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Introvert

(b) Extrovert

(c) Ambivert

(d) Somatotype

Emotionally unstable, anxiety, sadness are attributes of which personality dimension ? (9.1)        (CBSE 2020)

(a) Extroversion

(b) Neuroticism

(c) Agreeableness

(d) Openness

Jung classified the personality in the following ways : (9.1)       (CBSE 2020, Comptt.)

(a) Introvert and extrovert

(b) Calm and even-tempered

(c) Musculature structure

(d) Introvert and melancholic

A person having both traits of introvert and extrovert is known as ? (9.1)    (SQP 2019-20)

(a) Mesomorph

(b) Extroversion

(c) Ambiverts

(d) Endomorph

Person with emotional instability and negative emotions are termed as _________. (9.1)    (SQP 2019-20)

(a) Neuroticism

(b) Agreeableness

(c) Openness

(d) Conscientiousness

Very Short Answer Type Question (1 Mark)

What is the difference between endomorph and mesomorph types of personalities ? (9.1)  (CBSE 2019, Delhi)




Individuals have

• Short arms and legs

• Rounded physique

• Undeveloped muscles

• High fat storage

• Pear shaped body

• Less ability to compete in sports

• Less active

Individuals have

• Balanced body composition

• Athletic physique

• Strong muscles

• Fat evenly store all over the body

• Rectangular shaped body

• Can excel sports

• Capable of doing lot of activities

(Any two points)

Short Answer Type-I Questions (2/3 Marks)

Define personality ?   (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.   Personality :

  • Personality can be defined as the unique set of behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that characterize an individual.
  • Personality is influenced by both biological and environmental factors and plays a significant role in shaping how individuals interact with others and respond to various situations.

What does OCEAN represent according to Big Five Theory of Personality ?  (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.   According to the Big Five Theory of Personality, OCEAN represents the five personality traits : Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.

Comment upon Allport’s Theory of Personality.   (CBSE TBQ)


  • Allport’s Theory of Personality, proposed by psychologist Gordon Allport, defines personality as an individual’s unique and relatively stable pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings.
  • He believed that each person has a set of central traits that are the most characteristic and defining aspects of their personality.
  • Allport’s theory highlights the importance of understanding the individual’s unique characteristics and how they interact with their environment.
  • It emphasizes the dynamic nature of personality and the role it plays in shaping an individual’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings.

Define personality and motivation. (9.1)  (SQP Term-II, 2021-22)

Ans.   Personality :

  • Personality refers to the unique set of characteristics, behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that define an individual and distinguish them from others.
  • Personality influences how individuals respond to different situations and interact with others.

Motivation :

  • Motivation refers to the driving force behind a person’s actions, behaviors, and choices.
  • Motivation plays a crucial role in determining why individuals behave in certain ways and how they can be motivated to perform better.

What are the different dimensions of personality ? Write in brief about any two. (9.1) (CBSE 2017)

Ans.  The dimensions of personality are represented by the acronym OCEAN, which stands for Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.

  1. Openness to Experience : This dimension ranges from being imaginative, humorous, intellectual, creative, curious, and having broad interests at one end, to being closed to experience, suspicious, and rigid at the other. Individuals high in openness tend to be open to new ideas and have a wide variety of interests.

  2. Conscientiousness : This dimension refers to being organized, responsible, disciplined, and reliable at one end, and being careless, impulsive, and unreliable at the other. Individuals high in conscientiousness are typically diligent and goal-oriented.


Discuss the Sheldon types of personality in detail. (9.1) (CBSE 2020, Comptt.)

Ans.   Sheldon an American psychologist divided Personality on the basis of three physical structures.

  1. Endomorph : Endomorphs have a round body, characterised by wide hips, narrow shoulders, small legs, arms and round delicate body. They have a tendency to put on extra body fat on their body parts such as arms and thigh. They are relaxed, easy going, fun loving and sociable in nature.
  2. Mesomorph : Mesomorphs are likely to have an athletic and attractive physique. Their shoulders are broad, narrow waist, arms and legs strong. They have more muscles than fat. They are courageous, energetic, adventurous, assertive and competitive in nature.
  3. Ectomorph : Ectomorphs have narrow shoulder, thin arms and legs, a narrow face and a flat chest. They are slim and tall. They are generally thoughtful, quite, self-conscious and pessimistic and are not fond of physical activity.

Elaborate any three components of Big Five Theory of personality. (9.1)  (CBSE 2020, Comptt.)

Ans.   Three components of Big Five Theory of personality are :

  1. Openness to Experience : This trait refers to the extent to which a person is open-minded, imaginative, and willing to try new things. Individuals who score high on openness tend to be curious, creative, and open to new ideas and experiences.
  2. Conscientiousness : This trait refers to the extent to which a person is organized, responsible, and dependable. Individuals who score high on conscientiousness are typically disciplined, goal-oriented, and reliable.
  3. Extraversion : This trait refers to the extent to which a person is outgoing, sociable, and energetic. Individuals who score high on extraversion are typically talkative, assertive, and enjoy being around others.

Explain developments characteristics during childhood. (9.1)  (SQP 2016-17)

Ans.   ………………………………..

*Make a table explaining any three personalities from Big five theory and their characteristics.  (9.1) (SQP 2022-23)





Being curious, original, intellectual, creative and open to new ideas.


Being organised, systematic, punctual, achievement, oriented and dependable.


Being outgoing, talkative, socialism and enjoying social situations.


Being affectable, tolerance, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm.


Being anxious, irritable, temperamental and moody.

Short Answer Type-II Questions (4 Marks)

Differentiate between Introvert and Extrovert personality ? (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.   Introverts : 

  • Introverts tend to focus their attention on the inner world of ideas and impressions.
  • They often enjoy solitary activities such as reading, writing, or meditating.
  • They prefer to create their own virtual and imagery world and may be reserved and less vocal in social interactions.
  • Introverts are more analytical before speaking and may base their decisions on values and subjective evaluation.

Extrovert :

  • Extroverts tend to focus their attention on the outer world of people and things.
  • They are often broad-minded, highly socialized, and can easily meet unknown people.
  • Extroverts are bold, outgoing, and optimistic.
  • They enjoy human interactions and activities that involve large social gatherings.

What are the types of personality traits according to the Big Five Theory ? Explain with their importance in physical education and sports. (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.   According to the Big Five theory, the five personality traits are :

  • Openness refers to being imaginative, creative, curious, and having broad interests. In physical education and sports, individuals who score high on Openness may be more likely to demonstrate new ideas and initiatives, as well as have a wide variety of ideas in skill execution.
  • Conscientiousness refers to being organized, responsible, and disciplined. In physical education and sports, individuals who score high on Conscientiousness may be more likely to adhere to training schedules, follow instructions, and maintain discipline in their performance.
  • Extraversion refers to being outgoing, sociable, and energetic. In physical education and sports, individuals who score high on Extraversion may be more likely to seek stimulation in the company of others, have high sociability, and be enthusiastic in their participation.
  • Agreeableness refers to being friendly, cooperative, and helpful. In physical education and sports, individuals who score high on Agreeableness may be more likely to work well with teammates, show sportsmanship, and contribute positively to the team environment.
  • Neuroticism refers to being anxious, insecure, and excitable. In physical education and sports, individuals who score high on Neuroticism may be more prone to experiencing performance anxiety or stress, which can impact their performance negatively.

What are the personality traits according to the Big Five theory ? (9.1) (CBSE 2022)

Ans.   According to the Big Five theory, the personality traits are :

  1. Openness to Experience : This trait ranges from being imaginative, curious, and open to new ideas at one end to being closed-minded and rigid at the other.
  2. Conscientiousness : This trait refers to being organized, responsible, and hardworking at one end, and being relaxed and easy-going at the other.
  3. Extraversion : This trait ranges from being outgoing, sociable, and energetic at one end to being reserved and cautious at the other.
  4. Agreeableness : This trait refers to being friendly, cooperative, and trusting at one end, and being suspicious and uncooperative at the other.
  5. Neuroticism : This trait ranges from being calm, composed, and secure at one end to being nervous, anxious, and excitable at the other.

Define personality. Describe endomorph and mesomorph in detail. (9.1) (CBSE 2022, Comptt.)

Ans.   Personality : Personality refers to the unique set of characteristics, behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that define an individual and distinguish them from others.

Endomorph : Endomorphs are characterized by a higher percentage of body fat and a rounder, softer physique. They typically have a wider waist and hips, shorter limbs, and a slower metabolism. Some key features of endomorphs include :

  • Round and soft body shape
  • Tendency to gain weight easily
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Higher levels of body fat
  • Slower metabolism
  • Generally, have a more relaxed and easy-going personality
  • Often described as friendly, sociable, and nurturing
  • May have a preference for comfort and relaxation over physical activity

Mesomorph : Mesomorphs have a more muscular and athletic build. They tend to have a well-defined physique, with broad shoulders, narrow waist, and low body fat. Some key features of mesomorphs include:

  • Muscular and athletic body shape
  • Easy to gain and lose weight
  • Naturally strong and well-built
  • Higher metabolism
  • Generally, have a more assertive and competitive personality
  • Often described as confident, energetic, and goal-oriented
  • May have a preference for physical activity and sports

Explain any three personality types of Big five theory. (9.1)  (SQP Term-II, 2021-22)

Ans.   Three personality types of Big Five Theory are :

  1. Openness to Experience : This trait refers to a person’s inclination towards being imaginative, creative, curious, and open to new ideas. Individuals who score high on openness tend to have broad interests and enjoy exploring different possibilities. On the other hand, individuals who score low on openness may be more closed-minded, rigid, and resistant to change.
  2. Conscientiousness : This trait relates to a person’s level of organization, responsibility, and self-discipline. Individuals who score high on conscientiousness are typically organized, reliable, and diligent in their work. They tend to set goals and work towards achieving them. In contrast, individuals who score low on conscientiousness may be more careless, impulsive, and less focused on long-term planning.
  3. Extraversion : This trait refers to a person’s level of sociability, assertiveness, and energy. Individuals who score high on extraversion are outgoing, talkative, and enjoy being around others. They tend to seek social stimulation and are energized by social interactions. On the other hand, individuals who score low on extraversion may be more introverted, preferring solitude or smaller social gatherings. They may feel drained by too much social interaction.
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Marks)

What is personality ? Explain its different dimensions. (9.1) (CBSE 2017, Outside)

Ans.  Personality usually means that an individual is much more than his outer appearance. Personality also refer to the pattern of thoughts, feeling, social adjustment and behaviour etc.

Different of personality :

  1. Physical dimension
  2. Mental dimension
  3. Social dimension
  4. Explain Emotional dimension      (Explanation of each)

Explain Sheldon’s classification of personality and explain its importance in physical education and sport. (9.1) (CBSE 2015)

Ans.  ………………………………………..

Define personality. Explain Sheldon’s classification and its importance in sports. (9.1) (CBSE 2021, Comptt.)

Ans.  The definition of personality is an individual’s unique and relatively stable pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings. It is important in sports to understand athletes and their unique characteristics in different situations and conditions. Personality can influence how an athlete responds to training and competition demands.

Sheldon’s classification and its importance in sports : ……………………………………………….

Define personality. In how many types does Sheldon classify the personality ? Explain. (9.1)  (CBSE 2019, Comptt.)

Ans.    The definition of personality is an individual’s unique and relatively stable pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings. It is important in sports to understand athletes and their unique characteristics in different situations and conditions. Personality can influence how an athlete responds to training and competition demands.

Sheldon’s classification the personality : ………………………………..

Explain structure of personality ? Describe the role of sports in developing the personality ? (9.1) (SQP 2015-16)

Ans.  Structure of personality : The structure of personality refers to the organization and components of an individual’s personality. Different theories propose different structures, but one commonly accepted model is the one proposed by Sigmund Freud, which includes three main components: the id, ego, and superego.

Role of sports in developing the personality :

  1. Discipline and Self-Discipline : Sports require athletes to follow rules, adhere to training schedules, and maintain a disciplined lifestyle.
  2. Responsibility and Accountability : In sports, athletes are responsible for their performance and actions.
  3. Teamwork and Cooperation : Sports often involve team participation, which teaches athletes the importance of teamwork and cooperation.
  4. Leadership Skills : Sports provide opportunities for athletes to take on leadership roles, such as being a team captain.
  5. Resilience and Perseverance : Sports involve facing challenges, setbacks, and failures.
  6. Emotional Intelligence : Sports can evoke a range of emotions, including joy, frustration, and disappointment.
  7. Goal Setting and Time Management : Athletes set goals for themselves, both short-term and long-term, and learn to manage their time effectively to achieve those goals.
  8. Confidence and Self-Esteem : Success in sports, whether it’s improving skills or winning competitions, boosts athletes’ confidence and self-esteem.

Discuss the role of psychologist for a team preparing to participate in competition. (9.1)  (SQP 2016-17)


  • The role of a psychologist in preparing a team for competition is to help athletes manage their mental and emotional states, enhance their performance, and improve their overall well-being.
  • A sports psychologist can work with athletes individually or as a team to address various psychological factors that may affect performance, such as stress, anxiety, motivation, confidence, focus, and goal-setting.
  • They can provide strategies and techniques to help athletes develop mental toughness, cope with pressure, regulate their emotions, and maintain a positive mindset.
  • Additionally, a sports psychologist can assist in team dynamics, communication, and leadership development to foster a cohesive and supportive team environment.

Describe the types of personality. (9.1) (SQP 2017-18)

Ans.  Types of personality :

  1. Type-A : They have high sense of time and always try to complete their task in time. They are always found busy. They can be easily aroused to anger.
  2. Type-B : They are extrovert in nature. They complete their work steadily. They enjoy their achievement and always focus on game not on winning or losing. They try to do at the last movement.
  3. Type-C : They are not so assertive and always suppress their emotions and desires. They are very susceptible to depression as compared to other types of personalities. They are introvert in nature. They try to spend maximum time on finding about how the thing work.
  4. Type-D : They resist any form of change and prefer the monotony of routine. They are not adventuresome and avoid responsibility. They are always having a fear of rejection. The individuals are the depressed ones; they live a very poor and short span of life.

Enlist the Big Five Theory Personalities and describe any three of them while comparing their characteristics. (9.1) (SQP 2020-21)


Case Study Questions (4 Marks)

1. Personality :  The word personality is derived from the Latin word persona, the mask used by actors in the Roman theatre for changing their appearance for performing infront of their audience according to the given role. The actor performed as per the script or story wearing a particular mask. The audience also expected them to act in a particular manner on seeing the mask. However, it didn’t mean that the actors possessed the desired qualities of the character in themselves. Therefore, the concept of personality came to refer to an individual’s characteristic way of responding to other individuals and situations. When we observe people around us, we are able to describe their actions and responses to different situations based on the combination of their individual thoughts, characteristics, behaviour, attitude, ideas and habits. We may represent them as shy, happy, courageous, aggressive etc. These characteristics are a representation of different components of personalities. Therefore, we can view personality as the relatively stable and unique characteristics of an individual across different situations and varied period of time. 

Ans.   –

2. Personality Functions : Whether a person is an introvert or extrovert, she/he has a preferred pattern to deal with the situations. There can be four basic way or function used by people :

  • Feeling : Feeling is a preference for making decisions based on values and effects on people rather than logic. People use their emotional aspects to understand the situation and deal according to it.
  • Thinking : The capacity to decide objectively based on the evidence and applicable principles is defned as thinking. People evaluate the information received with logic and rationale for dealing with outer world.
  • Sensing : Sensing refers to a preference for perceiving the world through facts, evidence, data and details. People use their senses to seek information. They are good at looking and listening to understand the world around them.
  • Intuitive : Intuition refers to a preference for perceiving the world through concepts, theories and abstractions. People use their perception and intuitions to understand the situation, people around them, sometime its referred as sixth sense of an individual. 

Ans.   –

3. Big Five Theory of Personality : Another important trait approach which can provide essential insights into the key elements of personality is of the Big Five Factor personality model offered by Paul Costa and Robert McCrae. The five personality traits also known as the Five Factor Model of Personality and sometimes referred as OCEAN. The five domains or traits represented by the acronym OCEAN, are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
Let us try to understand the attributes of each of the five personality factors on a continuum leading from high reflected characteristics at one end to low reflected characteristics at the other.

Ans.   –


9.2  Motivation

Multiple Choice Questions

Motivation that drives individuals to naturally pursue actions that provide fun, joy, pleasure or challenge is called      (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Extrinsic motivation

(b) Amotivation

(c) Intrinsic motivation

(d) Cognitive motivation

Motivation through reward or praise is known as      (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Intrinsic motivation

(b) Extrinsic motivation

(c) Pedagogical motivation

(d) Facilitation motivation

Which of the following is NOT a feature of Intrinsic Motivation?  (CBSE TBQ)

(a) goals

(b) feedback

(c) needs

(d) attitudes

Intrinsic motivation is related to : (9.2)  (CBSE 2021, Comptt.)

(a) money

(b) certificate

(c) prize

(d) pleasure

Assertion-Reason Question :

*Given below are the two statements labelled Assertion (A) and Reason (R).  (9.2)     (SQP 2022-23)

Assertion : Intrinsic motivation has long term benefits.

Reason : As factors behind it are naturally pursuing actions that provide fun, pleasure, fulfillment or challenge.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true

Ans.  (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)

“Extrinsic motivation may kill intrinsic motivation.” Justify. (9.2) (CBSE 2013)

Ans.  Extrinsic motivation may kill intrinsic motivation because they operate on different principles and can have conflicting effects on an individual’s motivation.

Define motivation. (9.2) (CBSE 2018, Comptt.)

Ans.  It can be explained as a process to initiate, guide, and maintain behavior over time. It is the direction and intensity of effort.

Explain briefly about motivation.  (9.2)  (CBSE 2017, Comptt.)

Ans.  Motivation is the driving force that spurs a person to action. In simpler terms, motivation is the process of inspiring and guiding an individual to move in a particular direction.

Short Answer Type-I Questions (2/3 Marks)

Define motivation.  (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  Motivation :

  • The term ‘motivation’ is derived from the Latin word Movere meaning ‘to move’.
  • It can be explained as a process to initiate, guide, and maintain behavior over time.
  • Motivation is the driving force that spurs a person to action.
  • It is the direction and intensity of effort.
  • In simpler terms, motivation is the process of inspiring and guiding an individual to move in a particular direction.

Differentiate between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.  (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  Intrinsic motivation :

  • Intrinsic motivation refers to the driving force to pursue an action for fun, joy, pleasure, or any other inner satisfaction.
  • It is driven by internal factors like enjoyment and personal fulfillment.

Extrinsic motivation :

  • Extrinsic motivation is the driving force to pursue an action due to external rewards such as money, fame, grades, or praise.
  • It is influenced by external factors and the reasons for action are not part of an individual’s character, but rather due to outside urges or incentives.

Write a short note on any two techniques of motivation.   (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  Two techniques of motivation are : 

  1. Goal Setting : This technique involves setting specific, challenging, and achievable goals for athletes. By setting clear goals, athletes have a target to work towards and can measure their progress. Goal setting helps athletes stay focused, motivated, and committed to their training and performance.

  2. Rewards/Incentives : This technique involves providing external rewards or incentives to athletes for their performance or achievements. Rewards can be in the form of prizes, medals, recognition, or even financial incentives. It is essential to understand the needs and expectations of the athlete to provide appropriate rewards.

“Extrinsic motivation sometimes may kill intrinsic motivation.” Justify. (9.2) (CBSE 2022)


  • Extrinsic motivation can sometimes kill intrinsic motivation because when individuals are primarily motivated by external rewards or punishments, they may lose interest in the activity itself.
  • This can lead to a decrease in intrinsic motivation and a reliance on external factors to drive behavior.
  • Additionally, extrinsic motivation can create a sense of pressure or obligation, which can detract from the individual’s autonomy and sense of choice in participating in the activity.

Discuss in detail any three techniques of motivation. (9.2) (CBSE 2020)

Ans.  Here are three techniques of motivation :

  1. Goal Setting : This technique involves setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. By setting clear goals, athletes have something to strive for and can track their progress. For example, a basketball player may set a goal to improve their shooting percentage by 10% within the next three months.
  2. Positive Reinforcement : This technique involves providing rewards or praise for desired behaviors or achievements. Positive reinforcement can be in the form of verbal praise, tangible rewards, or even social recognition. For example, a coach may give a player a high-five and praise them for making a great play during a game.
  3. Visualization and Mental Imagery : This technique involves mentally rehearsing and visualizing successful performance or desired outcomes. Athletes can create vivid mental images of themselves performing at their best and achieving their goals. For example, a gymnast may visualize themselves flawlessly executing a routine before actually performing it.

What is meant by ‘motivation’ ? Explain the different techniques of motivation to achieve high goals in sports. (9.2) (CBSE 2017, Outside)

Ans.  Motivation means to be inspired to do something to achieve the desired goals.  Or  Motivation is an internal force on which our behaviour or activity depends.

Techniques of motivation :                (Explanation of any two)

(i) Intrinsic :

  • Goal setting
  • Self appraisal
  • Auto suggestion
  • Positive attitude

(ii)  Eccentric :

  • Praise, appreciation and criticism
  • Record of success and achievement
  • Better facilities
  • Pep talk by coaches/trainer
  • Cash prizes, certificates and trophies
  • Role of pear group and society
  • Role of spectators
  • Role model

Explain any three techniques of motivation used in sports. (9.2) (CBSE 2022, Comptt.)

Ans.  Three techniques of motivation used in sports :

  1. Cognitive Approach : This technique focuses on the active processing and interpretation of information to motivate athletes. It involves using expectancy theory and goal-setting theory. By setting clear goals and providing athletes with the necessary information and support, this approach helps to maintain their motivation.
  2. Facilitation Approach : This technique involves using incentives, rewards, and performance appraisals to motivate athletes. Incentives and rewards can be used as external support to maintain long-term motivation. However, it is important to consider the individual athlete’s needs and expectations when selecting rewards.
  3. Pedagogical Approach : This technique focuses on teaching and coaching strategies to motivate athletes. The guided discovery method allows athletes to find solutions to problems themselves, promoting independence and motivation. Fun-based training methods make training enjoyable and engaging, adding motivation for athletes to persist.

Suggest various external methods of motivating a person for better performance in sports. (9.2) (SQP 2019-20)

Ans.  External methods of motivating a person for better performance in sports are : 

  • Reward
  • Praise
  • Punishment
  • Blame
  • Cash prize
  • Certificates and trophies

“Extrinsic motivation sometimes may kill intrinsic motivation”. Justify. (9.2) (SQP 2020-21)

Ans.  Motivation ‘Drive to strive’

Intrinsic motivation :

Extrinsic motivation :

(a)  Learning

(b)  Social contact

(c)  Curiosity

(d)  Respect

(a)  Salary

(b)  Awards

(c)  Promotion

(d)  Appreciation

List down and briefly explain any four techniques of motivation. (9.2)  (SQP Term-II, 2021-22)


  1. Goal Setting : This technique involves setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals. By setting clear goals, athletes are motivated to work towards achieving them.
  2. Incentives and Rewards : Providing incentives and rewards can be a powerful motivator for athletes. This can include tangible rewards such as trophies, medals, or prize money, as well as intangible rewards such as recognition, praise, or opportunities for advancement.
  3. Social Support : The support and encouragement from peers, family members, and friends can greatly motivate athletes. Social support provides athletes with a support system and helps them develop healthy habits and maintain their motivation to exercise and participate in sports.
  4. Performance Appraisals : Regularly appraising and recognizing an athlete’s performance can be a strong motivator. Performance appraisals provide athletes with a sense of accomplishment and encourage them to continue working towards their goals.
Short Answer Type-II Questions (4 Marks)

How can a coach strategize in motivating an athlete to keep performing ? (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  A coach can strategize in motivating an athlete to keep performing by using the following techniques :

  1. Incentives and Rewards : Offering awards and rewards as external motivation for athletes to maintain their desired behavior and performance.
  2. Valance of Reward : Understanding the individual athlete’s needs and expectations and providing rewards that are valued by the athlete, such as being made the captain of the team.
  3. Performance Appraisals : Regularly recognizing and praising the athlete’s current and past achievements to create drive for future action and pursuit of excellence.
  4. Quality Support and Facilitation : Providing high-quality support and resources to athletes to ensure the maintenance of behavior of the highest standards.
  5. Cognitive Approach : Using cognitive techniques such as expectancy theory and goal-setting theory to motivate athletes. This includes setting time-bound tasks, defining the purpose of the task, and setting the complexity level of the task.
  6. Pedagogical Approach : Using teaching and coaching pedagogies to guide and maintain desired athlete behavior. This includes using guided discovery methods, providing valuable feedback, making training enjoyable, and individualizing training programs.
  7. Social Support Strategy : Creating a conducive exercise environment and positive social support to encourage and maintain sporting behavior.

How does motivating a sports person affect games and sports and how do games and sports influence a player’s motivation ? (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  Here are some ways in which motivation can impact games and sports :

  1. Increased Participation : When athletes are motivated, they are more likely to engage in regular training sessions, practice their skills, and actively participate in competitions.
  2. Improved Performance : Motivation can enhance an athlete’s performance. When athletes are motivated, they are more likely to put in the effort, work hard, and strive for excellence.
  3. Persistence and Resilience : When athletes are motivated, they are more likely to continue training and working towards their goals, even when faced with obstacles or failures.
  4. Goal Setting and Achievement : When athletes are motivated, they are more likely to set specific, challenging, and achievable goals.

Games and sports can also influence a player’s motivation in the following ways :

  1. Enjoyment and Fun : When players find joy and pleasure in participating in games and sports, it can enhance their intrinsic motivation, which is the motivation that comes from within.
  2. Social Interaction and Peer Support : Being part of a team or engaging in sports activities with friends and peers can provide a sense of belonging and support, which can positively influence a player’s motivation.
  3. Achievement and Recognition : Games and sports provide opportunities for players to achieve success and receive recognition.
  4. Personal Development : Games and sports can contribute to personal development and growth.
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Marks)

Differentiate between Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. Explain in detail Goal Setting and Reinforcement as technique of motivation. (9.2) (CBSE 2016, Outside)

Ans.  (A)

Intrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation

• Natural motivation and internal

• Always from outside external factors

• Depends upon emotional needs, biological needs, personal needs and social needs

• Rewards, prizes, social recognition

• Satisfaction, behaviour, happiness

• Job, teachers, parents.

• Inner desire, force comes from inside interest

• Appreciation

(B) Goals setting : (1) Short-term, (2) Middle-term, (3) Long-term

  • Goal should be made clear.
  • Knowledge of progress, achievable
  • According to capabilities, realistic
  • Need to set short term goal
  • Challenging
  • Goals can be reset
  • Grading players

(C) Reinforcement : It is a statement which can alter the behaviour in a positive manner. It is used for behaviour modification.

What are the types of motivation ? Explain any six techniques of motivation. (9.2) (CBSE 2020, Comptt.)

Ans.  Types of motivation :

  1. Intrinsic motivation : Motivation from within, no external pressure. You alone are determining the action. Self determination and motivation builds interest of desirability.
  2. Extrinsic motivation : Comes from outside forums. Forced to do something because of rewards etc. Outside motivation helps us overcome fear of failure or feeling that task is very tough.

Six techniques of motivation mentioned are :

  1. Cognitive Approach : This approach involves active processing and interpretation of information to achieve desired motivation. It includes techniques such as expectancy theory and goal-setting theory.
  2. Social Approach : This approach focuses on the influence of social factors, such as peer groups, family members, and friends, in motivating individuals. Group activities and engagement of family and peers in sports participation are examples of this technique.
  3. Facilitation Approach : This approach involves providing incentives, rewards, and performance appraisals to motivate individuals. It also emphasizes the importance of quality support and facilitation.
  4. Incentives and Rewards : This technique uses external support, such as awards and rewards, to maintain motivation for a long term.
  5. Valance of Reward : This technique emphasizes understanding the individual athlete’s needs and expectations when providing rewards. It recognizes that different individuals may value different types of rewards.
  6. Performance Appraisals : This technique involves recognizing and praising athletes for their current and past endeavors. It helps create drive for future action and pursuit of excellence.
Case Study Questions (4 Marks)


Intrinsic Motivation : The word intrinsic is derived from the French word ‘intrinseque’ which means inward. Intrinsic is also referred as internal motivation which drives an individual from within to naturally pursue actions that provide fun, pleasure, fulfilment or challenge. If an individual’s behaviour reflects a desire to pursue an action for enjoyment, or the individual continues the activity in a consistent manner because it provides a feeling of satisfaction, these can be identified as intrinsic motivation factors towards the directed behaviour. Intrinsic motivation includes satisfaction of needs felt by the individual which comes from inside or within and is directly linked to the individual’s instincts or urges.
Extrinsic Motivation : The word extrinsic is derived from the Latin word ‘entrinsecus’ which means outward. Just as its meaning suggests, extrinsic motivation is that in which the source of satisfaction does not come from within and the behaviour is not due to natural urges or impulses. Instead, the behaviour or action is influenced by external forces or drives. The reasons for action are not part of an individual’s character, but are due to urges from outside such as prize, money, praise, or even punishment. 

Ans.   –

2. MOTIVATION AND SPORTS : Motivation as a guiding force to initiate, guide and maintain a behaviour desired for sports participation and performance is well understood but still motivation remains as a challenging task in sports.

Researchers around the world have discussed the methods to maintain or increase motivation of athletes, but little has been done to understand the reasons about why we participate in an exercise or indulge in s activities. Summarizing the conclusions of different research, four motives towards sports and exercise behaviour can be identified.

1. Physical wellbeing;
2. Psychological wellbeing;
3. Performance achievement;
4. Status and Power (assertive achievements).

All the motives mentioned above are intrinsic in nature and point towards the reason for sports participation and exercise as being largely intrinsic in nature. People participate in sports and exercise for various intrinsic motives but external motives can be added wherever or whenever intrinsic motive is reduced. 

Ans.   –


9.3  Exercise Adherence

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)

What is exercise adherence ? (9.3) (CBSE 2019, Comptt.)

Ans.  Exercise adherence refers to the extent to which an individual maintains an active involvement in physical exercise and acts in accordance with the advised interval, exercise dose, and exercise dosing regimen despite opportunities and pressures to withdraw.

Write one objectives of adventure sports ? (9.3)  (SQP 2015-16)

Ans.  Increasing happiness : Adventure sports can provide individuals with a sense of joy, happiness, and satisfaction as they engage in thrilling and exciting activities.

Short Answer Type-I Questions (2/3 Marks)

Suggest physical exercises for childhood and adulthood. (9.3) (CBSE 2020)

Ans.  Physical exercises for childhood :

  1. Exercise must be planned which include co-ordinative ability like catching, throwing, jumping and kicking.
  2. Exercise must be structured which improve body control and strength.
  3. In this stage children should be introduced to competitive sports to develop social consciousness.
  4. Exercise like running, swimming, cycling, resistance exercise and fast work or rapid movement exercise must be included for wholesome development of the child.   (Any three points)

Physical exercises for adulthood :

  1. Adult should do brisk walking, bike riding, dancing, and swimming for active life style.
  2. They should also indulge in running, aerobic exercise, weight training, calisthenics for muscular strength.
  3. They should engage themselves in resistance training for at least two days a week.
  4. They should actively engage themselves in team events or endurance activity.  (Any three points)

Write in brief about the leadership qualities that one inculcates by participating in adventure sports. (9.3) (CBSE 2017, Outside)

Ans.  (i) Energetic, (ii) Decision maker, (iii) Intelligent, (iv) Social, (v) Co-operative, (vi) Commanding, (vii) Determination, (viii) Dedication, (ix) Skillful, (x) Good Speaker.  (Explanation of any Three or any other relevant quality)

Describe various factors that may be kept in mind to conserve the environment during adventure sports. (9.3)  (SQP 2016-17)

Ans.  ……………………………………..

Long Answer Type Question (5 Marks)

What are the psychological benefits of exercise ? Explain. (9.3) (CBSE 2018, Comptt.)

Ans.  The psychological benefits of exercise include :

  1. Increases Happiness : Exercise can increase the production of endorphins, which are known to help produce positive feelings and improve mood, leading to feelings of joy, happiness, and satisfaction.
  2. Promotes Self-Efficacy : Regular exercise and participation in sports can enhance an individual’s belief in their abilities to complete physical tasks, achieve goals, and produce challenging outcomes.
  3. Promotes Social Cohesion : Engaging in exercise and sports activities provides opportunities for socialization and interaction with others, preventing boredom and social isolation.
  4. Enhances Value Orientation : Regular physical activity and exercise can create a value orientation among individuals, promoting discipline, enhanced learning, self-actualization, social responsibility, and ecological integration.
  5. Cognitive Benefits : It increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, stimulates the production of hormones that enhance the growth of brain cells, and protects memory and thinking skills.
  6. Mental Health Benefits : Exercise can serve as an effective intervention for mental disorders like depression and anxiety, improving mood, self-esteem, and productivity.
  7. Psychological Well-being : Regular physical activity, sports, and exercise can bring positive changes in mental and physical well-being, leading to improved blood flow, reduced muscular tension, and a feeling of well-being.
  8. Personality Enhancement : Participation in physical activity and exercise has been found to influence personality traits such as extraversion and stability, which are important characteristics of personality.
  9. Develops Leadership Qualities : Engagement in exercise and sports provides opportunities to experience adversities and learn from them, developing qualities of leadership.
Case Study Questions (4 Marks)

1. Exercise Adherence : “If exercise could be packed into a pill, it would be the single most widely prescribed and beneficial medicine in the nation” – Dr Rober Butler, Former Director, National Institute of Ageing.
In the simplest term exercise adherence refers to
the extent to which the individual maintains an active involvement in physical exercise and acts in accordance with the advised interval, exercise dose, and exercise dosing regimen despite opportunities and pressures to withdraw. Exercise adherence, therefore, refers not just initiation but also maintenance of physical activity and exercise behaviour according to individualized need and requirement. It is associated to the ‘stickability’ factor which is related with quality of any athlete or participants to continue with sports, exercise or any other physical activity without losing the motivation to pursue it further. So, exercise adherence can also be referred as a self- regulated, voluntary behaviour directed towards maintaining an exercise routine for a prolonged period of time after initial phase of adoption. It is important as well as interesting to understand the reasons why people adhere to exercise and the forces that push athletes towards initiating sports participation. 

Ans.   –

2. REASON TO EXERCISE : Reason to exercise or exercise determinants point towards the importance of motives of an individual towards initiating and adopting exercise as a part of her/his lifestyle. We find many people around us with different behaviours towards exercise and physical activity and each behaviour can be associated with its own reason for adherence or non-adherence. We may find many people who have not initiated exercise or even thought of exercise and physical activity in near future, or those who think of starting exercise in the near future but are not able to initiate the programme, and still others who started or initiated an exercise programme but were not able to continue or adhere to it for long and dropped out. Why people find a reason to exercise, participate in fitness and engage in recreation sports can be understood by the following aspects: 

Ans.   –


9.4  Strategies for Enhancing Adherence to Exercise

Multiple Choice Questions

Which of the following is effective for prevention of Coronary Heart Disease ?  (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Regular exercise

(b) Sedentary lifestyle

(c) Medicine

(d) Dieting

Which one of the following is NOT a result of regular exercise ? (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Increased bone density.

(b) Increased cholesterol level.

(c) Strong immune system.

(d) Increased longevity.

Normally people do not adhere to a regular exercising programme due to    (CBSE TBQ)

(a) lack of proper goals.

(b) adding a variety of exercises.

(c) social support enhancement.

(d) feedback from instructor.

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)

Explain the term “Realistic” in goal setting principles. (9.4) (CBSE 2015)

Ans.  In goal setting principles, the term “Realistic” refers to setting goals that are attainable and within the capability and capacity of the athlete.

Explain reinforcement. (9.4) (CBSE 2013, Comptt.)

Ans.  Reinforcement refers to the use of positive or negative consequences to increase the likelihood of a desired behavior. 

Short Answer Type-I Questions (2/3 Marks)

Briefly list the benefits of exercise.   (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  The benefits of exercise include :

  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and coronary heart disease.
  • Helps with weight management and can aid in weight loss when combined with a healthy diet.
  • Provides stress relief and can help improve mental health by reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and improving mood.
  • Helps overcome social physique anxiety by improving fitness and body shape.
  • Reduces the risk of diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle, such as hypertension and obesity.

Mention the strategies to enhance exercise adherence. (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  Some strategies to enhance exercise adherence include :

  • Goal setting : Setting specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based goals can help individuals stay motivated and focused on their exercise routine.
  • Social support enhancement : Encouraging individuals to exercise with friends, family members, or joining group exercise classes can provide social support and motivation to stick with the exercise routine.
  • Providing feedback : Giving individuals feedback on their progress and highlighting positive aspects of their performance can increase motivation and adherence to exercise.
  • Process orientation : Shifting the focus from outcome goals to process goals can help individuals maintain long-term exercise behavior.
  • Health risk appraisals : Conducting health risk appraisals can provide individuals with information about their current health status, fitness level, and areas for improvement, which can enhance motivation and goal setting.

What are the psychological benefits of exercise? Explain. (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  Here are some psychological benefits :

  • Promotes Self-Efficacy : Regular exercise and participation in sports can boost an individual’s belief in their abilities to achieve goals and overcome challenges.
  • Promotes Social Cohesion : Exercise and sports provide opportunities for social interaction and connection with others.
  • Mental Health Benefits : Regular physical activity can serve as an effective intervention for mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.
  • Psychological Well-being : Participation in regular physical activity, sports, and exercise can lead to positive changes in mental and physical well-being.
  • Personality Enhancement : Regular participation in physical activities, especially at a young age, has been associated with greater extraversion and stability, which are important traits of personality.
  • Develops Leadership Qualities : Engaging in exercise and sports provides opportunities to experience and overcome challenges, fostering qualities of leadership.

Explain reinforcement and knowledge of results as techniques of motivation. (9.4) (CBSE 2013)

Ans.  Reinforcement and knowledge of results are two techniques used in motivation.

  • Reinforcement refers to the use of rewards or punishments to encourage or discourage certain behaviors.
  • In the context of sports, reinforcement can be used to motivate athletes to perform better.
  • Negative reinforcement involves removing or avoiding negative consequences for desired behaviors, such as reducing training intensity or workload after achieving a certain goal.
  • Knowledge of results, also known as feedback, is another technique used in motivation.
  • It involves providing athletes with information about their performance, such as their progress, strengths, and areas for improvement.
  • Knowledge of results helps athletes understand their current performance level and can motivate them to work harder to achieve their goals.

Explain the strategies for enhancing adherence to exercise. (9.4) (CBSE 2019)

Ans.  Some strategies for enhancing adherence to exercise include : • Goal setting; Adding variety to exercise; Social support enhancement; Reinforcement interventions; Providing feedback; Process orientation; Problem-solving; Health risk appraisals; Health education.

  1. Goal setting: Setting specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based goals can help individuals stay motivated and focused on their exercise routine.
  2. Social support enhancement: Encouraging individuals to exercise with friends, family members, or joining group exercise classes can provide social support and motivation to stick with their exercise routine.
  3. Reinforcement interventions : Using positive reinforcement, such as rewards or incentives, for meeting exercise goals can help individuals stay motivated. Negative reinforcement, such as removing an unpleasant stimulus, can also be effective in promoting exercise adherence.
Short Answer Type-II Question (4 Marks)

Explain the various reasons to exercise.  (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  The various reasons to exercise include :

  1. Overcoming Social Physique Anxiety : Exercise can help people attain their desired body shape and fitness level, which can help overcome social physique anxiety.
  2. Reduced risk of disease : Regular exercise can help prevent health issues such as hypertension and obesity, which are common in today’s sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Recreation : Exercise and sports provide opportunities for recreation, fun, and enjoyment, especially in a busy and stressful lifestyle.
  4. Mental relaxation : Exercise is an effective way to cope with stress and depression, providing mental relaxation and improving overall well-being.
  5. Socialization : Participation in exercise and sports programs allows individuals to engage with their community, socialize with friends, and prevent social isolation.


9.5  Aggression

Multiple Choice Questions

Which of the following is a legitimate behaviour ? (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Hostile aggression

(b) Instrumental aggression

(c) Assertiveness

(d) Proactive aggression

In instrumental aggression, the main aim is to using aggression.      (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Cause harm to the opponent

(b) Achieve a positive goal

(c) Express your feeling of jealousy

(d) Show your hostility to an opponent

Aggression is displayed in sports through ____________.      (CBSE TBQ)

(a) assertion of views

(b) use of abusive words

(c) walking away from the opponent

(d) strictly following the rules

Aggressive behaviour of a sportsperson is influenced by (9.5) (CBSE 2020)

(a) Emotional identification with the team

(b) Tactical ability

(c) Goal orientation

(d) All of the above

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)

What is hostile Aggression ? (9.5)  (CBSE 2019, Delhi)

Ans.  • Inflicting/Causing harm whether physical or psychological on someone else.

• Violent attitude or action that is associated with the desire to dominate.  (Any one definition)

What do you mean by the term ‘Aggression’ in sports? (9.5) (CBSE 2018)

Ans.  The term aggression refers to a type of behavior that can result in both physical and psychological harm to one self/others or any object in the environment.

Or    Aggression is an assertive behaviour where a player plays within the rules of sports at very high intensity but has no intention to harm an opponent.

What do you mean by body image ? (9.5) (CBSE 2017, Outside)

Ans.  Body image is how and what you feel about your body.

Or   The perception that a person has of their physical self.

How participation in physical activities enhances self esteem among children ? (9.5) (CBSE 2016, Outside)

Ans.  Participation in physical activities provides children with opportunities for skill development, recognition, positive body image, and social interaction, all of which contribute to enhanced self-esteem.

Short Answer Type-I Questions (2/3 Marks)

What do you understand by aggression in sports ? (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  Aggression in sports :

  • Aggression in sports refers to behavior that is hostile and violates the rights of others.
  • It can be physical or verbal and is intended to harm or injure another person.
  • Aggressive behavior in sports can include actions such as hitting, pushing, or abusing opponents, officials, spectators, or even teammates.

Define hostile aggression.  (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  Aggression :

  • Hostile aggression in sports refers to violent and angry behavior where the intent and primary goal is to harm the opponent.
  • It is a type of aggression that is committed in response to a perceived threat or insult.
  • It is unplanned, reactionary, impulsive, and fueled by intense emotion as opposed to a desire to achieve a goal.

Define instrumental aggression. (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  Instrumental aggression :

  • Instrumental aggression refers to aggressive behavior that is used as a means to achieve a non-aggressive goal.
  • In instrumental aggression, the intent is to harm the opponent physically or psychologically without necessarily being angry.
  • Examples of instrumental aggression in sports could include elbowing an opponent to gain a competitive advantage or late tackling to prevent the opponent from scoring a goal.

Distinguish between hostile aggression and instrumental aggression. (9.5) (CBSE 2022, Comptt.)

Ans.  Hostile aggression :

  • Hostile aggression in sports refers to aggressive behavior that is driven by anger, hostility, or a desire to harm or inflict suffering on the opponent.
  • Hostile aggression is non-legitimate and often involves the use of illegal methods to harm the opponent.

Instrumental aggression :

  • Instrumental aggression in sports is aggression that is used as a means to achieve a non-aggressive goal, such as winning, gaining an advantage, or obtaining prestige.
  • It is not driven by anger or hostility, but rather by the desire to achieve a positive outcome.

List down any four benefits of self talk by athletes in sports. (9.5) (SQP 2022-23)

Ans.  Four benefits of self-talk by athletes in sports are :

  • Building and developing self-efficacy : Self-talk helps athletes stimulate thoughts and feelings that lead to the belief that they are competent and capable of performing a task efficiently and effectively.
  • Skill acquisition : Self-talk can be effective in helping athletes persist, work hard, and develop new skills.
  • Creating and changing mood : Effective use of mood words in self-talk can either create a desired mood or change an undesirable one.
  • Controlling effort : Self-talk can help athletes sustain effort throughout long practices or competitions.
  • Focusing attention : Focusing attention refers to the act of directing and maintaining one’s concentration or mental focus on a specific task or objective.  (Any four)

Define aggression. Discuss any two types of aggression. (9.5) (CBSE 2022)

Ans.  Aggression : Aggression is behavior that is hostile and violates other people’s rights. It is a deliberate behavior with the intention to cause harm or injury, whether it is physical or psychological.

Two type of aggression are :

  1. Hostile Aggression : Hostile aggression refers to violent and angry behavior where the intent and primary goal is to harm the other person.
  2. Instrumental Aggression : Instrumental aggression is a learned behavior. In instrumental aggression, the primary goal is to win or gain an advantage rather than causing harm.

What are the factors affecting Self-Esteem and Body Image ? Explain. (9.5) (CBSE 2018, Delhi)

Ans.  The factors affect self-esteem and body image include :

  1. Social and Cultural Influences : Society and culture play a significant role in shaping our perceptions of beauty and attractiveness.
  2. Peer and Family Influences : The opinions and judgments of peers and family members can greatly impact self-esteem and body image.
  3. Personal Experiences : Past experiences, such as bullying, teasing, or traumatic events, can have a lasting impact on self-esteem and body image.
  4. Personality Traits : Certain personality traits, such as perfectionism or low self-confidence, can make individuals more susceptible to developing low self-esteem and negative body image.
  5. Body Comparisons : Comparing oneself to others, especially those who are perceived as more attractive or fit, can negatively impact self-esteem and body image.
  6. Life Transitions and Changes : Life transitions, such as puberty, pregnancy, aging, or significant weight changes, can affect self-esteem and body image.

‘Aggression is necessary part of sports.’ Comment.  (9.5)         (CBSE 2019, Comptt.)

Ans.  The statement “Aggression is a necessary part of sports” is subjective and can be debated.

  • Some argue that aggression can enhance performance and competitiveness in sports, as it can drive athletes to push their limits and strive for victory.
  • Others believe that aggression can lead to unsportsmanlike behavior, injuries, and negative consequences both on and off the field.
  • Ultimately, the role of aggression in sports is a complex and multifaceted topic that depends on individual perspectives and the specific context of the sport in question.

Explain briefly the two types of aggression. (9.5) (SQP 2019-20)

Ans.  Aggression is a behaviour with a goal of harming or injuring another being motivated to avoid such treatment.

  • Hostile : Inflicting physical or psychological harm.
  • Instrumental : Displaying aggression in pursuit of non aggressive goal.
  • Assertive : Use of legitimate physical or verbal force to achieve one’s purpose.

Explain aggression in sports. Discuss the role of aggression in context to its types. (9.5)  (SQP 2020-21)

Ans.  Hostile aggression : (Reactive aggression)

  1. To cause harm
  2. Physical or psychological
  3. e.g., Deliberate bouncer in cricket

Instrumental aggression : (Channelled aggression)

  1. To win comp.
  2. Without actual anger
  3. e.g., Aggressive tackle in football

Assertive behaviour

    1. Legitimate force
    2. Psychological discomfort
    3. e.g., sledging
Short Answer Type-II Questions (4 Marks)

Differentiate between hostile aggression, instrumental aggression and assertiveness ? (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  Hostile aggression :

  • Hostile aggression refers to behavior that is driven by anger and the intent to harm or cause suffering to others.
  • The primary goal of hostile aggression is to inflict harm or injury on the opponent.
  • It is characterized by the expression of anger and can involve physical or verbal aggression.

Instrumental aggression :

  • Instrumental aggression, on the other hand, is a calculated form of aggression where the main aim is to achieve a positive goal rather than causing harm.
  • The primary goal of instrumental aggression is to win or gain an advantage.
  • It may involve aggressive actions or behaviors that are intended to intimidate or dominate the opponent.

Assertiveness :

  • Assertiveness, in contrast to aggression, is a positive form of expression.
  • It involves standing up for oneself and expressing one’s opinions or needs in a respectful and unthreatening manner.
  • Assertive behavior is rooted in respect for others and aims to find a positive resolution.

Describe various reactions of athletes which can be classified as aggression and assertive behaviours ?  (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  Aggression :

  1. Physical violence : This includes actions such as hitting, pushing, or intentionally injuring opponents or teammates.
  2. Verbal abuse : Athletes may engage in aggressive behavior by using offensive language, insults, or threats towards opponents, teammates, officials, or spectators.
  3. Intimidation tactics : Athletes may try to intimidate their opponents through aggressive body language, staring, or making physical gestures.
  4. Retaliation : Athletes may respond aggressively to perceived unfairness or provocation by seeking revenge or retaliating against opponents.

Assertive behaviors :

  1. Standing up for oneself : Athletes may assertively express their opinions, beliefs, or concerns without resorting to aggression or disrespect.
  2. Setting boundaries : Athletes may assertively communicate their personal boundaries and expectations to others, ensuring that their rights and well-being are respected.
  3. Negotiation and compromise : Athletes may engage in assertive communication to find mutually beneficial solutions or compromises in situations of conflict or disagreement.
  4. Expressing emotions constructively : Athletes may assertively express their emotions, such as frustration or disappointment, in a respectful and controlled manner, without resorting to aggression or hostility.
Long Answer Type Question (5 Marks)

What do you understand by body image ? Elucidate the factors influencing body image and self esteem. (9.5) (CBSE 2017, Comptt.)

Ans.  Body image : Body image refers to a person’s perception, thoughts, and feelings about their own body. It can have a significant impact on a person’s self-esteem, self-confidence, and overall mental well-being.

The factors influence body image and self-esteem :

  • Social and Cultural Influences : Society and culture play a significant role in shaping our perceptions of beauty and attractiveness.
  • Media, advertising, and societal standards often promote a narrow and unrealistic ideal of beauty, which can negatively impact body image and self-esteem.
  • Peer and Family Influences: The opinions and comments of peers and family members can greatly influence how we perceive ourselves.
  • Positive and supportive relationships can boost self-esteem, while negative or critical comments can contribute to negative body image and low self-esteem.
  • Personal Experiences : Past experiences, such as bullying, teasing, or traumatic events, can have a lasting impact on body image and self-esteem.
  • Personality Traits : Certain personality traits, such as perfectionism or low self-confidence, can contribute to negative body image and low self-esteem.
  • Body Comparisons : Comparing oneself to others, especially through social media, can negatively impact body image and self-esteem.
  • Constantly comparing one’s appearance to others can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction with one’s own body.
  • Physical Changes and Health Conditions : Physical changes, such as weight gain, weight loss, puberty, or health conditions, can influence body image and self-esteem.
Case Study Questions (4 Marks)

1. Prospect of Losing Makes Me Aggressive, says Viswanathan Anand :

India Today | 21 June 2012

Speaking at a function for young chess players, the world chess champion Vishanathan Anand said, “The insecurity of loosing made me aggressive. I don’t show it openly but the prospect of losing to some player is so horrifying your might want an extra bit.” “Against Topalov (in 2010 world championship) I was able to channel that feeling into a willingness to play long games. I was able to feel motivated.”

“The hunger is still there to go for the next one,” says Anand. “I am often
asked how I maintain my motivation even after fve world titles. Frankly, I never took to chess because it was on some kind o f a checklist. I will keep playing till I enjoy it. The desire is still there,” he said.

( chess- world-champion-niit-delhi-110525-2012-07-21)

Ans.   –

2. Development of Relational Aggression : A science brief published in Psychological Science Agenda in August 2013 by APA deals with development of relational aggression associated with young children due to media exposure. The research work after examining different types of aggressive behaviour discussed the two types of aggression. Along with physical aggression like kicking, pushing, it mentions about second type of aggression known as Relational Aggression. According to the study, relational aggressive behaviour has an intent to hurt, harm and injure others using the relationship. It also uses threat of relationship against other individuals through social exclusion, friendship withdrawal, spreading rumours, false news etc. are used as goals for the intent of harming.


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9.6  Psychological Attributes in Sports

Multiple Choice Questions

Which one of the goals focus on technique for executing a task? (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Process goal

(b) Product goal

(c) Outcome goal

Which type of goal focus on final result of an event ? (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Outcome goal

(b) Process goal

(c) Product goal

Process of recreating images in mind to improve performance in sports is referred as ? (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Mental imagery

(b) Self-talk

(c) Self-esteem

(d) Goal setting

Short Answer Type-I Questions (2/3 Marks)

Define self-esteem ? (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  The concept of self-esteem generally refers to a person’s evaluation of, or attitude toward, him- or herself. Self-esteem is centered around a belief in the self, respect for the self, and confidence in the self. It is the degree to which the qualities and characteristics contained in one’s self-concept are perceived to be positive.

Describe important of self-talk by athletes in sports ? (CBSE TBQ)

Ans.  Some reasons why self-talk is important for athletes :

  1. Controlling Thoughts and Feelings : Self-talk allows athletes to control their thoughts and interpret their feelings in a positive and constructive way.
  2. Skill Acquisition : Self-talk can help athletes in learning and acquiring new skills. By using self-talk, athletes can reinforce their focus on technique and remind themselves of the correct movements and actions required for a specific skill.
  3. Mood Regulation : Effective use of mood words in self-talk can help athletes create a desired mood or change an undesirable one. 
  4. Effort Control : Self-talk can help athletes sustain effort and maintain focus during long practices or competitions. This can prevent boredom and help athletes stay engaged and motivated.
  5. Attention and Concentration : Self-talk can assist athletes in maintaining focus and concentration on the task at hand.
Case Study Questions (4 Marks)

1. SELF-ESTEEM : The concept of self-esteem generally refers to a person’s evaluation of, or attitude toward, him- or herself. Self-esteem is centered around a belief in the self, respect for the self, and confidence in the self. An equally important component of self-esteem is esteem from others. That is, the respect and admiration others bestow on a performer is equally motivational. Because pursuit of excellence is a comparative process, esteem by others is reflective of one’s performance. Hence, it is critical that the performer seeks esteem from others. According to American Psychological Association (APA), Self-esteem refers to the degree to which the qualities and characteristics contained in one’s self-concept are perceived to be positive. It reflects a person’s physical self-image, view of his or her accomplishments and capabilities, and values and perceived success in living up to them, as well as the ways in which others view and respond to that person. The more positive the cumulative perception of these qualities and characteristics, the higher one’s self-esteem. A reasonably high degree of self-esteem is considered an important ingredient of mental health, whereas low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness are common depressive symptoms. 

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2. Principles of Goal Setting :

1. Make goals specific, measurable, and observable.
2. Clearly identify time constraints.
3. Use moderately difficult goals; they are superior to either easy or very difficult goals.
4. Write goals down and regularly monitor progress.
5. Use a mix of process, performance, and outcome goals.
6. Use short-range goals to achieve long-range goals.

7. Set team as well as individual performance goals.
8. Set practice as well as competition goals.
9. Make sure goals are internalized by the athlete.
10. Consider personality and individual differences in goal setting.

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3. Types of self talk : Three primary categories of self-talk include task-specific statements, encouragement and effort, and mood words. These three categories are further clarified below :

  1. Task-specific statements relating to technique category of self-talk refers to words or statements that reinforce technique. For example, in the tennis volley, the word “turn” might be used in association with preparation for stepping into the volley.
  2. Encouragement and effort category of self-talk refers to words or statements that provide self-encouragement to persevere or to try harder. For example, the phrase “You can do it” might be used in preparation for an anticipated play at home plate in softball.
  3. Mood words category of self-talk refers to words that precipitate an increase in mood or arousal. For example, the mood words “hard” or “blast” might be used in conjunction with a play in football or soccer.

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4. A state sports team was winning all the tournaments and was highly praised for its efforts. An interview with the team to find and explore the reasons for its continuous success highlighted the following reasons. As per the report, the team had many new players who were wellorganised, responsible, self-disciplined and precise in their task and contributed to the success of the team. The Captain had been selected by the team members themselves, and he was most interactive, sociable and optimistic on the field as well as off it. This made him a good leader.

The best part of the team was that, all its senior players were helpful and cooperative with their juniors and were always willing to listen to them. The team’s coach mentioned few essential elements that had contributed to the team’s success. According to him, the ability to motivate people plays a crucial role in the team’s success more often than the technical skills, and this is what separates a good coach from an average one. The coach also referred to occasions when players went through the phase of lack of intrinsic motivation. The coach realised that while there are some athletes have an innate drive to constantly strive for success and enjoy their task, there are others who seem to lack internal motivation and need extrinsic factors like rewards, prize, money etc. to create the required drive or required behaviour. The team’s psychologist spoke about the aggressive behaviour among the team players against the opponents. It was interesting to listen to various instances where the players had instigated opponents or charged at them violently, in anger, but had later tried to justify their actions.

Sometimes, players were found to be abusing opponents not in anger, but to get an advantage or for the sake of winning, though this behaviour is not acceptable and they were awarded punishments as per the code of conduct and rules of sport.

Read the above story of a sports team and answer the following questions :

Which trait best reflected the personality of junior players ?  (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Introvert

(b) Conscientiousness

(c) Neuroticism

Which member of the team reflected most of the extrovert traits ? (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Coach

(b) New members

(c) Captain

Which type of players were recommended for special training with sports psychologist ? (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Extrovert

(b) Introvert

(c) Mesomorph

The team sports psychologist is referring to which type of behaviour as non-threatening but confident. (CBSE TBQ)

(a) Assertive

(b) Hostile

(c) Instrumental

Which are the two types of motivation discussed in the above story? Which, according to you, is the better form ? Why ?    (CBSE TBQ)

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