What are acids?
Ans: The substances that taste sour and turn blue litmus paper red are called acids.
What are bases?
Ans: The substances which are bitter in taste, feel soapy and turn red litmus paper blue are called bases.
What are neutral solutions?
Ans: The solutions which do not change the colour of either red or blue litmus paper are known as neutral solutions.
What are indicators?
Ans: The substances used to test whether a substance is acidic or basic are known as indicators.
What is breathing?
Ans: Breathing is a process in which air rich in oxygen is taken in and air rich in carbon dioxide is given out.
What is respiration?
Ans: The process of breakdown of food inside the cell with the release of energy is called respiration.
What is the difference between breathing and respiration?
Ans: Breathing is just a mechanical process of inhaling and exhaling air, while respiration is a complex process which involves breakdown (oxidation) of food in the cell with simultaneous release of energy. Carbon dioxide and water are also produced in this process.
What is inhalation?
Ans: The intake of air rich in oxygen is called inhalation.
What is light?
Ans: Light is a form of energy that is always in motion. It is light that enables us to see an object.
What are luminous objects?
Ans: Objects that have their own light, i.e., objects that emit light, are called luminous objects, e.g., Sun, stars, etc.
What is a beam of light?
Ans: A number of rays of light travelling together are called a beam of light.
What is a ray of light?
Ans: A straight line drawn from the source of light, which represents the straight path of light, is called a ray of light.
What is reflection of light?
Ans: The phenomenon of bouncing or bending of light by a surface back to the same medium, when light falls on it, is called reflection of light.
What are the seven constituent colours of sunlight?
Ans: These are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
What is a prism?
Ans: A prism is a piece of any transparent material (e.g., glass) which is bounded by two triangular and three rectangular surfaces.