Course Content
Unit 1 – Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education
Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education 1. Concept, Aims & Objectives of Physical Education 2. Development of Physical Education in India – Post Independence 3. Changing Trends in Sports- playing surface, wearable gear and sports equipment, technological advancements 4. Career options in Physical Education 5. Khelo-India Program and Fit – India Program
CBSE Physical Education Class 11
About Lesson

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. What is a characteristic of Cerebral Palsy?
    a) Impaired muscle coordination
    b) Genetic factors
    c) Anxiety disorder
    d) Developing empathy and understanding
    Ans: a) Impaired muscle coordination

  2. Which of the following is a cause of Intellectual Disability?
    a) Anxiety disorder
    b) Brain damage
    c) Impaired muscle coordination
    d) Developing a safe environment
    Ans: b) Brain damage

  3. What type of disorder includes depression and bipolar disorder?
    a) Characteristics of Cerebral Palsy
    b) Causes of Intellectual Disability
    c) Types of Emotional Disorders
    d) Aims of Inclusive Education
    Ans: c) Types of Emotional Disorders

  4. What is one of the aims of Inclusive Education?
    a) Impaired muscle coordination
    b) Genetic factors
    c) Promoting social interaction and participation
    d) Anxiety disorder
    Ans: c) Promoting social interaction and participation

  5. Which of the following describes an impairment?
    a) Difficulty in executing activities
    b) Problems with involvement in any area of life
    c) Problems in body function or alterations in body structure
    d) Developing empathy and understanding
    Ans: c) Problems in body function or alterations in body structure


Assertion and Reason

1. Read each Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R) question carefully. Decide whether the Reasoning is correct and whether it explains the Assertion. Choose the best answer from the options given and mark it on your answer sheet.
(a) Both assertion and reasoning are true, and the reasoning explains the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reasoning are true, but the reasoning does not explain the assertion.
(c) The assertion is true, but the reasoning is false.
(d) The assertion is false, but the reasoning is true.

  1. (A): Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining good health.
    (R): It helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improves mental well-being.
    Ans: (a) Both assertion and reasoning are true, and the reasoning explains the assertion.
  2. (A): Inclusive education aims to provide equal opportunities for all students.
    (R): It is important to segregate students with disabilities to cater to their specific needs.
    Ans: (c) The assertion is true, but the reasoning is false.
  3. (A): Adaptive sports are designed for individuals with disabilities.
    (R): They allow individuals to compete in sports that are typically inaccessible to them.
    Ans: (a) Both assertion and reasoning are true, and the reasoning explains the assertion.
  4. (A): Physical education classes contribute to the overall development of children.
    (R): They focus solely on teaching sports skills and do not address social skills.
    Ans: (c) The assertion is true, but the reasoning is false.
  5. (A): Team sports can enhance social skills among children.
    (R): They often lead to increased competition and isolation among players.
    Ans: (c) The assertion is true, but the reasoning is false.

Match the following :

1: Match the following terms with their definitions.

(1) Autism Spectrum Disorder
(2) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(3) Dyslexia
(4) Down Syndrome

A. A learning disability that affects reading and language processing.
B. A genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21.
C. A developmental disorder characterized by challenges with social skills and communication.
D. A behavioral disorder characterized by difficulty focusing and controlling impulses.

(a) (1) → B, (2) → C, (3) → D, (4) → A

(b) (1) → C, (2) → D, (3) → A, (4) → B
(c) (1) → D, (2) → A, (3) → B, (4) → C
(d) (1) → A, (2) → B, (3) → C, (4) → D

Ans: (b) (1) → C, (2) → D, (3) → A, (4) → B

2: Match the following types of disabilities with their characteristics.

(1) Visual Impairment
(2) Hearing Impairment
(3) Physical Disability
(4) Intellectual Disability

A. Difficulty in processing auditory information.
B. Limitations in mobility or physical functioning.
C. Reduced vision that cannot be corrected with glasses.
D. Below-average cognitive functioning affecting daily life.

(a) (1) → D, (2) → B, (3) → A, (4) → C

(b) (1) → A, (2) → C, (3) → D, (4) → B
(c) (1) → C, (2) → A, (3) → B, (4) → D
(d) (1) → B, (2) → D, (3) → C, (4) → A

Ans: (c) (1) → C, (2) → A, (3) → B, (4) → D

3: Match the following educational approaches with their descriptions.

(1) Special Education
(2) Inclusive Education
(3) Mainstreaming
(4) Individualized Education Program (IEP)

A. A plan tailored to meet the unique needs of a student with disabilities.
B. Integrating students with disabilities into general education classrooms.
C. Education specifically designed for students with disabilities.
D. A philosophy that promotes the inclusion of all students in the same classroom.

(a) (1) → C, (2) → D, (3) → B, (4) → A
(b) (1) → D, (2) → C, (3) → A, (4) → B
(c) (1) → B, (2) → A, (3) → D, (4) → C
(d) (1) → A, (2) → C, (3) → D, (4) → B

Ans: (a) (1) → C, (2) → D, (3) → B, (4) → A

Very Short Answer Type Questions 

  1.  What is an impairment?
    Ans: An impairment is a problem in body function or alterations in body structure, such as paralysis or blindness.

  2.  What does the term “activity limitation” refer to?
    Ans: Activity limitation refers to difficulties in executing activities, such as walking or eating.

  3.  What is the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF)?
    Ans: The ICF is a framework that identifies broad domains of functioning affected by disability.

  4.  What is cerebral palsy?
    Ans: Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that affects movement and muscle coordination.

  5.  When is World Disability Day celebrated?
    Ans: World Disability Day is celebrated on December 3 rd.

Short Answer Type Questions 

  1.  Define Impairment and Disability.
    Ans: Impairment refers to problems in body function or alterations in body structure, such as paralysis or blindness. Disability, on the other hand, is the result of impairments that limit an individual’s ability to perform certain activities or participate in societal roles.

  2.  How are the terms Disability and Disorder associated with each other?
    Ans: Disability and disorder are related concepts; a disorder refers to a medical condition that affects physical or mental health, while disability is the impact of that disorder on an individual’s ability to function in daily life. Not all disorders lead to disabilities, but many do.

  3.  What are the characteristics of cerebral palsy?
    Ans: Characteristics of cerebral palsy include impaired muscle coordination, stiff or weak muscles, tremors, and difficulties with speech and swallowing. These symptoms can vary in severity and affect the individual’s mobility and daily activities.

  4.  What are the causes of intellectual disability?
    Ans: Causes of intellectual disability can include genetic factors, brain damage, infections during pregnancy, malnutrition, and environmental influences. These factors can affect brain development and functioning.

  5.  Discuss the need for sports for children with special needs.
    Ans: Sports for children with special needs are essential as they promote physical health, improve social skills, and enhance self-esteem. Participation in sports can also provide opportunities for inclusion, teamwork, and personal achievement, fostering a sense of belonging and community.

Long Answer Type Questions

  1. Discuss the need of sports for children with special needs.

    Ans: Sports play a crucial role in the development and well-being of children with special needs. Engaging in sports activities helps these children improve their physical health, as it promotes fitness, coordination, and overall motor skills. Additionally, sports provide an opportunity for social interaction, allowing children to make friends and develop important social skills.

    Participation in sports can also enhance self-esteem and confidence, as children experience a sense of accomplishment when they learn new skills or achieve personal goals. Furthermore, sports can serve as a therapeutic outlet, helping children manage stress and emotions in a positive way.

    Inclusion in sports activities fosters a sense of belonging, which is essential for children with special needs. It allows them to be part of a team, experience teamwork, and understand the value of cooperation and collaboration. Overall, sports are vital for the holistic development of children with special needs, contributing to their physical, emotional, and social growth.

  2. Write in detail about Disability.

    Ans: Disability refers to a condition that significantly impairs an individual’s ability to perform certain activities or participate in society. It can arise from various impairments, which are physical or mental conditions that limit a person’s functioning. Disabilities can be categorized into different types, including physical, sensory, intellectual, and developmental disabilities.

    The impact of disability can vary widely from person to person, depending on the nature and severity of the condition. Some individuals may experience mild limitations, while others may face severe challenges in daily life. Disabilities can affect various aspects of functioning, including mobility, communication, learning, and social interaction.

    The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) emphasizes that disability is not solely a medical issue but also a social one. It highlights the importance of understanding how environmental factors, such as societal attitudes and accessibility, can influence the experience of disability.

    Addressing disability requires a comprehensive approach that includes medical support, rehabilitation services, and social inclusion efforts. Advocacy for the rights of individuals with disabilities is essential to create an inclusive society where everyone has equal opportunities to participate and thrive.

  3. What are the causes of intellectual disability?

    Ans: Intellectual disability is characterized by limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, which affects a person’s ability to learn and function in daily life. The causes of intellectual disability can be broadly categorized into genetic, environmental, and prenatal factors.

    Genetic factors include chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, and inherited conditions that affect brain development. These genetic conditions can lead to cognitive impairments and developmental delays.

    Environmental factors also play a significant role in the development of intellectual disabilities. Exposure to toxins, such as lead or alcohol during pregnancy, can adversely affect fetal brain development. Additionally, malnutrition and lack of access to proper healthcare during critical developmental periods can contribute to intellectual disabilities.

    Prenatal factors, including maternal infections during pregnancy and complications during childbirth, can also lead to intellectual disabilities. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial in managing intellectual disabilities and providing support to affected individuals and their families. Understanding the causes can help in preventing and addressing the challenges associated with intellectual disabilities.

       4. Difference between disorder and Disability 


Aspect Disorder Disability
Definition A characteristic or type of impairment, often a medical condition A condition that limits a person’s ability to perform certain activities
Focus Emphasizes the underlying characteristics and symptoms of a condition Emphasizes functional limitations and participation restrictions
Types Includes various mental and physical disorders (e.g., anxiety, eating disorders) Includes physical, sensory, cognitive, and emotional disabilities
Treatment Individuals can often be treated and revert to a previous state Disabilities may require ongoing support and adaptations for participation
Interaction with Society Can affect social well-being and relationships Affects a person’s ability to participate fully in society and daily life

Case Study Questions

Sarah is a 10-year-old girl diagnosed with cerebral palsy. She experiences difficulties with muscle coordination, which affects her ability to walk and participate in physical activities. Despite these challenges, Sarah is enthusiastic about sports and enjoys swimming. Her parents are considering enrolling her in a swimming program designed for children with special needs to help her improve her skills and confidence.

  1. What is a common characteristic of cerebral palsy that Sarah experiences?
    A) Impaired vision
    B) Difficulty with muscle coordination
    C) Hearing loss
    D) Cognitive impairment
    Ans: B) Difficulty with muscle coordination

  2. What is one potential benefit of enrolling Sarah in a swimming program for children with special needs?
    A) It will eliminate her condition entirely
    B) It may improve her social skills and confidence
    C) It will prevent all physical challenges
    D) It will require her to compete at a high level
    Ans: B) It may improve her social skills and confidence

  3. Which of the following is a suitable activity for children with cerebral palsy to enhance their physical abilities?
    A) High-impact sports
    B) Swimming
    C) Running marathons
    D) Competitive gymnastics
    Ans: B) Swimming

  4. What is one of the aims of inclusive education for children like Sarah?
    A) To isolate children with disabilities
    B) To promote social interaction and participation
    C) To focus solely on academic achievement
    D) To discourage physical activity
    Ans: B) To promote social interaction and participation

  5. What is the role of parents in supporting children with disabilities like Sarah?
    A) To limit their activities
    B) To provide encouragement and seek appropriate programs
    C) To compare them with other children
    D) To avoid discussing their challenges
    Ans: B) To provide encouragement and seek appropriate programs

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