Course Content
Unit 1 – Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education
Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education 1. Concept, Aims & Objectives of Physical Education 2. Development of Physical Education in India – Post Independence 3. Changing Trends in Sports- playing surface, wearable gear and sports equipment, technological advancements 4. Career options in Physical Education 5. Khelo-India Program and Fit – India Program
CBSE Physical Education Class 11
About Lesson

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. What is the primary focus of kinematics in sports?
    a) The study of forces affecting motion
    b) The geometry of objects’ motion
    c) The study of relationships between the forces acting on the body
    d) The study of displacement, velocity, and acceleration
    Ans: b) The geometry of objects’ motion

  2. Which axis runs from left to right through the center of the body?
    a) Sagittal axis
    b) Vertical axis
    c) Transverse axis
    d) Frontal axis
    Ans: c) Transverse axis

  3. What is the vertical plane that divides the body into left and right sides known as?
    a) Frontal plane
    b) Sagittal plane
    c) Transverse plane
    d) Horizontal plane
    Ans: b) Sagittal plane

  4. Which of the following describes the concept of flexion?
    a) Straightening of a joint
    b) Bending of a joint
    c) Movement away from the midline
    d) Movement towards the midline
    Ans: b) Bending of a joint

  5. What is kinetics concerned with in the context of motion?
    a) The study of forces that cause motion
    b) The study of geometry of motion
    c) The study of displacement and velocity
    d) The study of human anatomy
    Ans: a) The study of forces that cause motion


Assertion and reason

1. Read each Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R) question carefully. Decide whether the Reasoning is correct and whether it explains the Assertion. Choose the best answer from the options given and mark it on your answer sheet.

(a) Both assertion and reasoning are true, and the reasoning explains the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reasoning are true, but the reasoning does not explain the assertion.
(c) The assertion is true, but the reasoning is false.
(d) Both assertion and reasoning are false.

  1. (A): Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants make their own food.
    (R): Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells, where sunlight is converted into chemical energy.
    Ans: (a) Both assertion and reasoning are true, and the reasoning explains the assertion.
  2. (A): The heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
    (R): The heart is made up of skeletal muscle tissue that contracts to move blood.
    Ans: (c) The assertion is true, but the reasoning is false.
  3.  (A): The law of supply states that an increase in price results in an increase in quantity supplied.
    (R): The law of supply is based on the principle of consumer demand.
    Ans: (b) Both assertion and reasoning are true, but the reasoning does not explain the assertion.
  4. (A): The Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit.
    (R): The gravitational pull of the Sun keeps the Earth in its orbit.
    Ans: (a) Both assertion and reasoning are true, and the reasoning explains the assertion.
  5.  (A): A virus is considered a living organism.
    (R): Viruses can reproduce independently of a host cell.
    Ans: (d) Both assertion and reasoning are false.

Match the following :

1: Match the following terms with their definitions

Column-A Column-B
(1) Kinematics A. Study of the mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organisms
(2) Flexion B. Movement of a body part away from the midline of the body
(3) Abduction C. Bending movement that decreases the angle between two body parts
(4) Biomechanics D. Study of body movements

Options: (a)(1) – C, (2) – D, (3) – A, (4) – B 
(b) (1) – D, (2) – C, (3) – A, (4) – B
(c) (1) – A, (2) – C, (3) – B, (4) – D
(d) (1) – B, (2) – A, (3) – D, (4) – C

Ans: (c) (1) – A, (2) – C, (3) – B, (4) – D

2: Match the following types of movements with their descriptions

Column-A Column-B
(1) Abduction A. Movement towards the body’s midline
(2) Adduction B. Circular movement around an axis
(3) Rotation C. Movement away from the body’s midline
(4) Flexion D. Decreasing the angle between two body parts

Options: (a) (1) – B, (2) – A, (3) – C, (4) – D
(b) (1) – A, (2) – C, (3) – D, (4) – B
(c) (1) – C, (2) – D, (3) – A, (4) – B
(d) (1) – C, (2) – A, (3) – B, (4) – D

Ans: (d) (1) – C, (2) – A, (3) – B, (4) – D

3: Match the following concepts with their fields of study

Column-A Column-B
(1) Kinetics A. Study of how psychological factors affect performance in sports
(2) Sports Psychology B. Study of forces that cause motion
(3) Biomechanics C. Study of body movements
(4) Kinematics D. Study of the geometry of objects’ motion

Options: (a) (1) – B, (2) – A, (3) – C, (4) – D
(b) (1) – D, (2) – C, (3) – A, (4) – B
(c) (1) – A, (2) – B, (3) – D, (4) – C
(d) (1) – C, (2) – D, (3) – B, (4) – A

Ans: (a) (1) – B, (2) – A, (3) – C, (4) – D


Very Short Answer Type Questions

  1.  What is the primary movement involved when kicking a football?
    Ans: The primary movement is flexion at the hip joint.

  2.  Define flexion in terms of joint movement.
    Ans: Flexion is the bending movement that decreases the angle between two body parts.

  3.  What is the difference between abduction and adduction?
    Ans: Abduction is the movement away from the midline of the body, while adduction is the movement toward the midline.

  4.  What is the significance of knowledge of movement types in sports?
    Ans: It contributes to graceful movement and improves performance efficiency.

  5.  What is the role of kinetics in sports science?
    Ans: Kinetics studies the forces that cause motion in sports activities.


Short Answer Type Questions

  1.  What is the difference between flexion and extension?
    Ans: Flexion is the bending of a joint that decreases the angle between two body parts, while extension is the straightening of a joint that increases the angle between body parts.

  2.  Define abduction and adduction in terms of body movement.
    Ans: Abduction is the movement of a limb away from the midline of the body, while adduction is the movement of a limb toward the midline of the body.

  3.  Which plane and axis are involved when kicking a football?
    Ans: The movement of kicking a football occurs in the sagittal plane and involves the transverse axis.

  4.  How does understanding different types of movement contribute to graceful movement?
    Ans: Knowledge of movement types helps individuals coordinate their actions, maintain balance, and execute movements fluidly, leading to more graceful and efficient performance.

  5.  What is the significance of having an efficient start in sprinting events?
    Ans: An efficient start is crucial in sprinting as it allows athletes to maximize their acceleration and speed from the beginning of the race, which can significantly impact their overall performance and race time.


Long Answer Type Questions

  1. Differentiate between abduction and adduction.


    • Abduction refers to the movement of a limb or body part away from the midline of the body. For example, when you raise your arms sideways away from your body, you are performing abduction.
    • Adduction is the opposite movement, where a limb or body part is moved towards the midline of the body. Lowering your arms back to your sides is an example of adduction.
    • Both movements occur in the frontal plane and involve the use of specific muscles that facilitate these actions. For instance, the deltoid muscle is primarily responsible for arm abduction.
    • These movements are crucial in various physical activities, including sports and exercise, as they contribute to the range of motion and overall flexibility of the body.
    • Understanding abduction and adduction is essential for designing effective training programs and rehabilitation protocols to enhance athletic performance and prevent injuries.
  2. How does knowledge of movement and its type contribute to graceful movement?


    • Knowledge of movement types, such as locomotion, manipulation, and stability, allows individuals to understand how to perform actions more efficiently and effectively.
    • By recognizing the different planes and axes involved in movement, individuals can improve their body awareness and spatial orientation, leading to more coordinated and fluid motions.
    • Understanding the mechanics of movements helps in the development of proper techniques in sports and dance, which enhances performance and reduces the risk of injury.
    • Training programs that incorporate movement analysis can help individuals refine their skills, leading to more graceful and aesthetically pleasing performances.
    • Ultimately, a comprehensive understanding of movement types fosters confidence and poise, contributing to an individual’s overall presence and gracefulness in physical activities.
  3. Differentiate between flexion and extension.


    • Flexion is the bending movement that decreases the angle between two body parts, such as bending the elbow or knee, which brings the forearm closer to the upper arm or the heel closer to the buttocks.
    • Extension is the opposite movement, where the angle between body parts increases, such as straightening the arm or leg after flexion, returning it to its anatomical position.
    • Both movements occur in the sagittal plane and are fundamental in various physical activities, including walking, running, and lifting.
    • The muscles involved in flexion and extension are critical for functional movement; for instance, biceps brachii is involved in elbow flexion, while the triceps brachii is responsible for elbow extension.
    • Understanding these movements is essential for athletes and trainers to develop effective training regimens that enhance strength, flexibility, and overall performance while minimizing the risk of injury.
      4. Differentiate between Kinetics and Kinematics in Sports.

S. No. Attributes Kinetics Kinematics
1. Definition Study of motion considering mass and external forces Study of motion not dependent on mass
2. Relation Determines the relation between motion and forces Describes motion in terms of velocity, displacement, time, and acceleration
3. Study Examines motion caused by forces, gravity, friction, and torque Focuses on the ‘how’ of motion
4. Nature Attempts to get at the cause of motion Simply describes the motion
5. Application Used to analyze forces affecting performance and injury risk Used to analyze the efficiency of movements in sports

Case Study Questions

John is a 30-year-old office worker who has been feeling increasingly stressed and anxious due to his demanding job. After discussing his concerns with a friend, he decides to incorporate regular exercise into his routine. He starts going to the gym three times a week and also takes up jogging on weekends. Over the next few months, John notices significant improvements in his mood and overall mental well-being.

  1. What motivated John to start exercising regularly?
    a) To lose weight
    b) To improve his physical appearance
    c) To manage his stress and anxiety
    d) To compete in sports
    Ans: c) To manage his stress and anxiety

  2. How often does John go to the gym?
    a) Once a week
    b) Two times a week
    c) Three times a week
    d) Four times a week
    Ans: c) Three times a week

  3. What additional activity does John take up on weekends?
    a) Swimming
    b) Cycling
    c) Jogging
    d) Yoga
    Ans: c) Jogging

  4. What positive change does John experience after starting his exercise routine?
    a) Increased physical strength
    b) Improved mood and mental well-being
    c) Better sleep quality
    d) Enhanced social life
    Ans: b) Improved mood and mental well-being

  5. Which of the following is a potential benefit of regular exercise mentioned in the case study?
    a) Decreased energy levels
    b) Increased stress levels
    c) Improved mental health
    d) Less motivation
    Ans: c) Improved mental health

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