Course Content
Unit 1 – Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education
Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education 1. Concept, Aims & Objectives of Physical Education 2. Development of Physical Education in India – Post Independence 3. Changing Trends in Sports- playing surface, wearable gear and sports equipment, technological advancements 4. Career options in Physical Education 5. Khelo-India Program and Fit – India Program
CBSE Physical Education Class 11
About Lesson

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. In which position is Yoga-nidra typically performed?
    a) Shavaasana
    b) Simhasana
    c) Swastikasana
    d) Vajrasana
    Ans: a) Shavaasana
  2. Which of the following is one of the five approaches in Yoga related to the quality of food?
    a) Achara
    b) Ahara
    c) Vichara
    d) Vihara
    Ans: b) Ahara
  3. What is the correct positioning of fingers in Anulom-Vilom?
    a) Thumb and pinky extended
    b) Index and middle fingers on the forehead
    c) Ring finger and thumb pressed together
    d) All fingers extended
    Ans: c) Ring finger and thumb pressed together
  4. Which of the following is a type of Pranayama?
    a) Anulom-Vilom
    b) Jal-Neti
    c) Trataka
    d) Kapalbhati
    Ans: a) Anulom-Vilom
  5. What does the term “Bhramari” refer to in Pranayama?
    a) Breathing technique resembling a bee
    b) A type of meditation
    c) A yoga posture
    d) A cleansing technique
    Ans: a) Breathing technique resembling a bee

Assertion and Reason

1. Read each Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R) question carefully. Decide whether the Reasoning is correct and whether it explains the Assertion. Choose the best answer from the options given and mark it on your answer sheet.

 (a) Both assertion and reasoning are true, and the reasoning is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reasoning are true, but the reasoning does not explain the assertion.
(c) The assertion is true, but the reasoning is false.
(d) The assertion is false, but the reasoning is true.

  1. (A): Meditation is a key component of yoga practice.
    (R): Meditation helps individuals achieve mental clarity and emotional stability.
    Ans: (a) Both assertion and reasoning are true, and the reasoning is the correct explanation of the assertion.
  2.  (A): Pranayama techniques are used to control breath in yoga.
     (R): Pranayama is solely focused on physical fitness and does not impact mental health.
    Ans: (c) The assertion is true, but the reasoning is false.
  3.  (A): The practice of yoga can improve flexibility and strength.
     (R): Yoga is only beneficial for improving flexibility and does not enhance strength.
    Ans: (c) The assertion is true, but the reasoning is false.
  4.  (A): The yamas and niyamas are ethical guidelines in yoga.
     (R): The yamas and niyamas are optional practices that can be ignored by practitioners.
    Ans: (c) The assertion is true, but the reasoning is false.
  5. (A): Yoga can be practiced by people of all ages.
    (R): Yoga is only suitable for young individuals and not for older adults.
    Ans: (c) The assertion is true, but the reasoning is false.

Match the following :

1: Match the following Yoga poses with their benefits

Column-A Column-B
(1) Surya Namaskar A. Improves flexibility and strength
(2) Padmasana B. Calms the mind and aids meditation
(3) Bhujangasana C. Energizes the body
(4) Shavasana D. Relaxes the body and reduces stress

Options: (a) (1) → C, (2) → B, (3) → A, (4) → D
(b) (1) → A, (2) → C, (3) → D, (4) → B
(c) (1) → B, (2) → D, (3) → A, (4) → C
(d) (1) → D, (2) → A, (3) → C, (4) → B
Ans: (a) (1) → C, (2) → B, (3) → A, (4) → D

2: Match the following Yoga principles with their meanings

Column-A Column-B
(1) Ahimsa A. Non-violence
(2) Satya B. Truthfulness
(3) Asteya C. Non-stealing
(4) Brahmacharya D. Control of senses

Options: (a) (1) → A, (2) → B, (3) → C, (4) → D
(b) (1) → B, (2) → A, (3) → D, (4) → C
(c) (1) → C, (2) → D, (3) → A, (4) → B
(d) (1) → D, (2) → C, (3) → B, (4) → A
Ans: (a) (1) → A, (2) → B, (3) → C, (4) → D

3: Match the following Pranayama techniques with their descriptions

Column-A Column-B
(1) Bhramari A. Bee Breath
(2) Nadi Shodhana B. Alternate Nostril Breathing
(3) Ujjayi C. Victorious Breath
(4) Kapalabhati D. Skull Shining Breath

Options: (a) (1) → A, (2) → B, (3) → C, (4) → D
(b) (1) → C, (2) → A, (3) → D, (4) → B
(c) (1) → B, (2) → C, (3) → A, (4) → D
(d) (1) → D, (2) → C, (3) → B, (4) → A
Ans: (a) (1) → A, (2) → B, (3) → C, (4) → D

Very Short Answer Type Questions 

  1.  What is the first element of yoga?
    Ans: Yama.
  2.  Which yoga pose is commonly used for Yoga-nidra?
    Ans: Shavaasana.
  3.  What does “Pranayama” mean?
    Ans: Control of breath.
  4.  Name one of the five approaches of Yoga for a healthy lifestyle related to food.
    Ans: Ahara.
  5.  What is the last element of yoga?
    Ans: Samadhi.

Short Answer Type Questions 

  1.  What are the benefits of practicing Anulom-Vilom?
    Ans: Anulom-Vilom, a type of pranayama, helps in balancing the flow of energy in the body, reduces stress, improves lung capacity, enhances concentration, and promotes mental clarity.
  2.  Describe the role of Ahara in maintaining a healthy lifestyle according to yoga principles.
    Ans: Ahara refers to the quality of food consumed. It is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle as it emphasizes the intake of nutritious and wholesome foods that nourish the body and mind, promoting overall well-being.
  3.  What is the significance of yoga-nidra in stress management?
    Ans: Yoga-nidra is a state of conscious sleep that promotes deep relaxation, reduces tension, and helps in relieving stress. It allows individuals to enter a state of calmness and rejuvenation, making it an effective tool for managing stress.
  4.  Explain how yoga contributes to improving memory and clarity of thought.
    Ans: Yoga practices enhance blood circulation to the brain, reduce mental clutter, and promote mindfulness. This leads to improved cognitive function, better memory retention, and clearer thinking.
  5.  What are the general guidelines for yogic practice for wellness?
    Ans: General guidelines for yogic practice include maintaining a regular schedule, practicing in a clean and quiet environment, wearing comfortable clothing, focusing on breath control, and listening to one’s body to avoid overexertion.
Aspect Asanas Pranayama
Definition Postures that align with inner consciousness and promote comfortable sitting for meditation. Practice of breath control focusing on the life force or prana.
Purpose Aims to balance the body’s structure and provide therapeutic benefits. Helps harness prana, leading to inner peace and well-being.
Practice Focus Involves physical postures and alignment of the body. Involves breath regulation and techniques for managing life force.

Long Answer Type Questions 

  1. Explain how Yoga can help in active lifestyle and stress management.
    Ans: Yoga promotes physical fitness and mental well-being through a combination of postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation. By practicing yoga regularly, individuals can enhance their flexibility, strength, and balance, which contributes to an active lifestyle. Furthermore, yoga encourages mindfulness and relaxation, helping to alleviate stress. The deep breathing exercises involved in yoga activate the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of calm. This holistic approach allows individuals to manage stress effectively while also maintaining physical health.
  2. What is the procedure to perform Yoga-nidra?
    Ans: Yoga-nidra, or yogic sleep, is a guided meditation practice that induces deep relaxation. The procedure typically involves the following steps: First, find a quiet and comfortable space to lie down in a supine position (Shavaasana). Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax. Next, listen to a guided instruction that leads you through body awareness, where you systematically focus on different parts of your body. After that, set an intention or Sankalpa for your practice. The guide will then take you through visualizations and breath awareness, allowing you to enter a state of deep relaxation. Finally, gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment before slowly opening your eyes.
  3. What is the role of yoga in reducing stress?
    Ans: Yoga plays a significant role in reducing stress by integrating physical movement, controlled breathing, and meditation. The practice encourages the release of tension in the body and promotes relaxation through asanas and pranayama. By focusing on the breath and being present in the moment, individuals can detach from stressors and cultivate a sense of inner peace. The meditative aspect of yoga also helps to quiet the mind, reducing racing thoughts and anxiety. Regular practice can lead to improved emotional resilience, allowing individuals to cope better with stress in daily life.
  4. Detail the general guidelines for yogic practice for wellness.
    Ans: The general guidelines for yogic practice for wellness include:
    • Consistency: Practicing yoga regularly is essential for experiencing its benefits. Aim for a balanced routine that includes various aspects of yoga.
    • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body’s signals and avoid pushing yourself into discomfort or pain. Modify poses as needed.
    • Focus on Breath: Integrate breath control (pranayama) with your movements to enhance relaxation and concentration.
    • Create a Calm Environment: Practice in a quiet, clean space free from distractions to facilitate a deeper connection with your practice.
    • Set Intentions: Begin each session with a clear intention or goal to guide your practice and foster mindfulness. By following these guidelines, individuals can enhance their overall well-being through yoga.

        5. Differentiating between Dhyana and Samadhi:


Aspect Dhyana Samadhi
Definition State of meditation State of total absorption or enlightenment
Focus Involves focused concentration and mental absorption Represents highest state of mental concentration and spiritual realization
Distraction Mind achieves concentration without distraction Complete union with the object of meditation
Awareness Practice of constant attention and inner awareness Transcendence of ego and realization of true nature
Relationship Precedes the final state of Samadhi Final state in the yogic process

Case Study Questions

John is a 35-year-old office worker who has been experiencing high levels of stress due to his demanding job. He decides to incorporate yoga into his daily routine to help manage his stress. After three months of consistent practice, John notices significant improvements in his mental well-being, physical health, and overall quality of life.

  1. What was the primary reason for John to start practicing yoga?
    a) To improve flexibility
    b) To manage stress
    c) To lose weight
    d) To enhance physical strength
    Ans: b) To manage stress
  2. How long did John practice yoga before noticing improvements?
    a) One month
    b) Two months
    c) Three months
    d) Six months
    Ans: c) Three months
  3. Which of the following benefits did John experience as a result of his yoga practice?
    a) Increased stress levels
    b) Improved mental well-being
    c) Decreased energy levels
    d) Poor sleep quality
    Ans: b) Improved mental well-being
  4. What aspect of John’s life was primarily affected by his high levels of stress?
    a) His social life
    b) His job performance
    c) His physical health
    d) All of the above
    Ans: d) All of the above
  5. Which yoga practice is specifically known for its effectiveness in stress reduction?
    a) Power Yoga
    b) Hatha Yoga
    c) Yoga Nidra
    d) Ashtanga Yoga
    Ans: c) Yoga Nidra


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